The Huet Family Website

Tue 20 Apr 2004
Finally got some information from the Immigration Department.
They have told me that my Citizenship Ceremony is to be held on the 9th June 2004.
So finally I will become an Australian, just in time as I leave for the UK to work.
Wed 17 Mar 2004
Saint Patricks Day, so start drinking the black stuff in abundance.
Jaco's Birthday too, so Happy Birthday.
No more news on the Citizenship ceremony, I may have to give them a call at the end of the month if I have not yet heard from them.
Wed 16 Mar 2004
Katie's Birthday.
So a Happy 6th Birthday to Kate. Doesn't time fly?
Thu 26 Feb 2004
Well it arrived on Monday, the letter to say that they have accepted my application to become an Australian.
At the moment I am waiting for confirmation as to when the Citizenship ceremony will be taking place. Hopefully in the near future.
Apart from that we are getting ready for Kate's birthday party next month - disco-a-go-go.
We have sent out the invites on CD's that have a vinyl top to make them look like old seven singles - remember them?
And the invite is a PowerPoint slide-show format - all very modern.
Wed 18 Feb 2004
Spent the morning at the Australian Dept. of Immigration applying for citizenship.
We arrived at 10AM only to be told that we needed an appointment to do the interview...of course that did not stop us.
I promptly moaned and groaned and told them that their website said nothing about having to make an appointment.
Eventually they gave up, gave me a number and said that it could take hours and hours....ten minutes later I walked out having done the interview.

Now we just have to wait for the letter to arrive to say (hopefully) that I can become Australian, and then it is off to the Citizenship Ceremony and finally the Australian passport.
More details to follow as soon as we hear back from the powers that be.
Old Stuff
The UK 1901 Census has now been made available online, so I have duly spent too much time trying to find out some more information pertaining to my illustrious family, only to find entries such as "Waterside labourer"... Oh well, I suppose I can always make something up. So anyway, have a look here and see the Huet's from 1901 as registered in England and Wales...
Gavin: gavin(at)
Anna: anna(at)
© Gavin Huet & Anna Huet 2000-2004